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Steve Addair, Founder & CEO

Steve Addair

Steve majored in insurance at the University of North Florida.  He took jobs working at EDS and a local Life Insurance company to help fund his college education.


After getting out of school, he became part of a program funded by the Florida Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA) to train new Independent Agencies and get them deployed quickly within the industry.  At the time, he was the youngest licensed insurance agent in Florida.


Steve then was an agency principal at age 23 of the Orlando Insurance Agency.  An agency that specialized in the Entertainment Industry writing through Specialty carriers in Excess Surplus.


After selling his agency, Steve worked at various technology positions in several Fortune 100 insurance companies.  In his last insurance company role, he was CIO of a Specialty Carrier in the Southwest.


In 2006, Steve became the President and principal at Discoverture Solutions, a company founded to serve the insurance industry exclusively and due to its unique value proposition, became the largest and most successful implementer of core technology systems.


In 2015, Discoverture was acquired by Mindtree, Ltd. in which Steve was the Global Head of Insurance.


Steve left Mindtree in 2018 to found Brylianze.

Venky Venkateswaran, Chief Revenue Officer

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